Spotting Tips

The following are just a few tips I’ve compiled to help make your next excursion into Wu spotting as successful as possible.

1) Go where the people are. One thing my 26 years of Wu spotting has taught me is that Wu loves people. Anytime you find yourself in a crowd or any busy section of south-central Kansas, keep your eyes peeled. Sometimes it may seem like you’re looking for a needle in a haystack (or should I say wheatstack?) but just be patient, with time, your efforts will pay off.

2) Don’t be fooled by imitations. Back in the 80’s the amateur Wu spotter was easily thrown off by guys with spiky, bleached-blonde hair and girls with teased bangs. Luckily today these obstacles are far less prevalent, however it’s important to develop a keen eye for Wu’s distinctive characteristics.

3) Follow your own routine. It’s hard to believe, but Wu is more like us than we sometimes think. When deciding on a location to set up your spotting efforts, think about your own daily tasks. Since Wu likes to try and live as normal of a life as possible you just might find him grocery shopping, working out, running errands or doing virtually any other mundane task.

4) Use bait. Forget the camouflage, when Wu spotting it’s important to stand out. In fact, 95% of my successful excursions have resulted from him finding me rather than the other way around. That’s why I always wear bright yellow when I’m out in the field. (Something about that particular color just seems to draw him right to you.) Also, whenever possible I try to take a youngster along with me … he just loves them and can’t seem to keep himself from coming over and giving a high five or posing for a picture.

5) Go online. The advent of social networking Web sites has been a God send to the Shocker Spotter! Keep an eye on Wu’s Facebook page ( and often he’ll tell you exactly where he’s going to be.

I hope this helps!

Happy hunting,

Shocker Steve

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